Explore how our new Crunchbase partnership empowers Glyphic

Know your deals, inside and out

Glyphic’s Copilot records and analyzes all your calls to provide instant insights that can be sent to your CRM.
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Screenshot of the deal overview feature showing examples of information that would be available, for example Last interaction, Next steps and Situation summary

Glyphic helps you stay informed

A complex deal can be summarize into clear sentences to ensure you are always on top, even if you do not have time.

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Glyphic stays on top of your past interactions with buyers

Quickly familiarize yourself with all customer interactions using Glyphic’s timeline and summaries.

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Screenshot showing the call history over a deal
Screenshot showing an example of a customer breakdown. This breakdown shows the name, founded date Headquarter location, Industry, number of employees, Revenue for a fictitious company Giraffe payments

Have a clear picture of your customer

Glyphic brings together your past calls, CRM data and Crunchbase information to ensure you have a deep understanding of who you are selling to.

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Refine your sales process with insights

Gain insights across all your deals on how to improve and refine your sales team.

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Screenshot of the sales reporting dashboard. For example "Top converting needs by deal stage" or "Deal loss reasons by Company size"

supercharge your sales team today

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